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Hydration is the process of attaching event handlers to html on the client side but in koras.jsx, Hydration works by default in the browser so there is no need to take some extra time to re-compile. What you write is what you get in the browser.

When you wrap a function with template literals while passing it to an event handler in a component, it is hydrated into the component.


Note: It is recommended to create any utility with a native function.

function Calculator(result) {
  function add(props) {
    const result = props.first + props.second;
    $render(Calculator, result);

  return `
    <div id="calc">
      ${result ? `updated to ${result}` : ""}
        onClick="${add({ first: 4, second: 5 })})">

The browser will hydrate the add function above into the Calculator component. It attaches the function to the element returned by the Calculator component.

  onClick="(function add(props){
  return props.first + props.second;
})($purify('{first:4, second:5}'))"

Avoiding hydrations from template literals

Maybe you don't like how hydrated functions look in browsers, you can use conditional statements to trigger functions in a component.

function Box({item:"water", isBrowser}){
  const modifyItem = (item) => `Yeah, ${item}`;
  let modifiedItem;

    modifiedItem = modifyItem(item);

  const props = {item: modifiedItem,  isBrowser:false};
    <div id="box" onclick="$render(Box, ${props})"></div>

You can also create a custom $utils to access utilities globally. Check utils to see how to create it.

Released under the MIT License.